This last week was a bit interesting. On Monday I went to a "zoo".... Pretty much they just had 2 massively obese crocodiles and monkeys. The monkeys would do tricks to get cookies though which was super fun. We were going to feed a live chicken to said obese crocodiles but they ran out :( Overall it was fun to just run around and see stuff.
On Tuesday I woke up early and over packed a car with people and supplies to then drive 6-7 hours up to a city called Maxixe. It was a pretty nice drive, good roads, "no speed limits" (or so I told myself!) and I only got pulled over a half a dozen times! The 3 Elders in the back pretty much slept through the drive and my mission president slept for a good chunk of it too so it was some nice thinking time while driving in the middle of no where.
I slept on a little "mattress" on the ground in the house in Maxixe that night, woke up early again (Which I despise) to drive again, this time with just 1 other Elder and the mission president..... It was nice for the first 2 hours... Then the "road" turned into more holes than pavement and it was a nightmare. I went from 120's (or like 145...) to going 25 kph..... On the shoulder of the road.... On the wrong side..... It was a painfully long next 8 or 9 hours. We hit occasional patches of nice road but overall it was awful. I don't plan to make that drive again!
We finally made it to Beira that following day and we ate dinner then dropped off the Elder. I crashed and just slept until doing house inspections that day in Beira. I went on a "division" with a member up there to run between all the houses looking for all the broken/missing stuff. It was cool to see Beira finally and nice to get an idea for all the houses. I had some time to get some more capulanas.... I might have a problem with collecting them but they had so many new cool ones (plus I plan to get stuff made, so its worth it). That night we flew back. I am so glad, I would have died driving another 17 hours. We also somehow ended up in 1st Class which was super nice.
As far as "classic weekly missionary stuff" you probably came here to find in this:
1. We had 11 people at church.... We need to get working with them, its been crazy in the office recently. But we have been getting lots of help from other missionaries.
2. We found out 2 of the awesome people in the English Group aren't members but one has been going for almost 2 years! Everyone thought he was a member, so we will be teaching him soon!
3. We had dinner with the Fox Family and Brother Root which was super fun.
4. We will hopefully be getting to our area a lot this week now that stuff is "calming down", which means time to go really teach people!
Thanks for the love as always!
Elder Howell