Monday, February 19, 2018

Last Week In Triple Digits

Today marks my 222 days in the mission office. Wow. That is a long time, but I have had a lot of good experiences too. My life as an office elder is strange, the hours are weird (example: look at when this email was sent my time....23:00) but I also get to see a side of the mission that few get to see. My day to day life revolves around numbers whether it be rents, missionaries, payments, receipts or baptisms. I have 105 days left in Mozambique which is insane to think I just have to do less than half of what I have already done, just in the time in the office (which is all one giant blur).

This week we had a visit from Elder Miranda (one of the Area 70's) and he got talking about goals and areas and baptisms. It was a good time to look on goals and plans for the mission. Currently I am working on finishing reading the Livro de Mormon then I want to read the New Testament in Portuguese. Hopefully my weird schedule will make it work.

Anyone who I didn't email today (....everyone) I will email tomorrow night. Its been a crazy day. I went to bed at 2 am... Woke up at 6:30, drove people around until 10ish, then got in a car accident (not my fault at all. Still mad about it. I am totally fine. The guy will be paying for it.), then I was  getting lunch for everyone. 12:00-12:30 I passed out for a power nap, then it was running errands (bank, store etc), picked and dropped people from the airport until 18. Then I was picking everyone back up for a family night. I helped make dinner a bit, then had to run others around picking up their stuff. Then we took everyone to one house to pick up mattresses, drop everyone at our house, then I came to the office to email for a few minutes to say I'm not dead, just a bit sick, but I still have an hour of stuff to do here before I go home and sleep. Then get up at 6:30 to start the whole thing all over again.

Thanks for all the love.

Elder Howell

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