Tuesday, July 12, 2016

General Information

This is the blog for Tanner Howell's mission to the Mozambique Maputo Mission. He will be leaving on August 3rd to the Provo Utah MTC (Missionary Training Center) for approximately 6 weeks before departing to Mozambique, Africa for the rest of his 2 year mission.

To contact him while he is gone send emails to: 

(He will be able to check this email once a week "P-Day")

*We will add a mailing address for the MTC and a mailing address for the mission once they are assigned if you would like to send letters to him*

Weekly updates and photos from Elder Howell's P-Day emails will be added to this blog.
Mozambique's National Flag

For Anyone Who Wasn't Sure Where Mozambique Is
Mailing Address For Time At The MTC-Good Until September 13th