Monday, February 27, 2017

Start of Transfer 5

Well, transfers. Transfer 4 felt like a weekend not 6 weeks. So that's a bit crazy. Anyway, we were told that Elder Nunes was leaving us, but we are still together. That is super nice because I don't know the area well enough yet to show it to another person. It can be really hard to get around because there are no addresses or real street names. You ask someone where they live and they *pointing North* "Over there".... What? Could you explain "You go to that one blue shop, then take your next 12345 lefts, 23456 rights and its the 17th house on the right behind the other house...." Oh, thanks. But, we are together for another. Adventure part 2.

To begin the update from the week before, everyone is convinced I have 'The Gift of Boleia's". I can somehow always flag down cars for rides. Its super convenient and we haven't even been kidnapped again!

Three things about food! I helped make fried fish and rice with some members. It turned out pretty good other than the whole fish head and the pain of eating fish bones. We ate on the beach this week (we have a little strip of beach in our area apparently! Whoooooo). The chicken, xima, fries and salad stuff was SO good. Insanely good and only 125 Met.... Also, I think Coke has mind control powers here. They have this song/jingle that plays in all their commercials. Whenever I hear it I want a Coke.... I'm not addicted, I could stop whenever I wanted *sips Coke*

Two last random things. It rained almost non-stop for almost 5 days last week so all the streets are flooded which makes for some serious parkour skills that are needed to make it to lessons without wet shoes.  We teach a lot of lessons everyday, no time to waste!

Lastly, this week during a lesson I thought a mosquito bit my leg, so I slapped at it... THEN MY LEG CAUGHT ON FIRE. Not literal fire, well kinda. My legs (in and out of my pants) were swarming with big red biting fire ants.... I subsequently asked to be excused, then bolted outside to slap my legs to death. It was not fun. That is all.

Have a good week one and all!

Elder Howell

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