Monday, February 26, 2018

Wedding Week

Hello Peoples,

It's almost 21:00 here for me, so I have to keep this short but this week was a good week.

Two main things happened:

Someone got their car stuck in a mud pit thingy... We got a call to help them out and showed up with some nice towing cables and boots... We got there to about 200+ people all standing around talking, laughing and taking photos... It was great. After about 20 minutes (And me taking lots of photos too) we were able to tug and push the car out. It was a good learning experience for everyone... But an adventure is always fun!

Ujembe (a member from Mahotas and the missions best handyman) got married! To who? A woman I used to teach in Mahotas. The first Sunday she showed up to church he asked if I knew who she was and asked me for her number after I said she was our investigator and said he would ask her out. I told him to do it himself, get the number and ask her out... He did. The following week he said "Elder Howell, I am going to marry her". I wished him luck.... 8 Months later they are married and planning on going to the the temple to get sealed at her 1 year mark of being baptized. Well that escalated quickly! It was a super fun, super classic Mozambican wedding with lots of singing in dialect and 0 smiles from the bride or groom (its bad luck, 'those who smile at the wedding will have an unhappy marriage) but it was clear everyone was having fun!

The big thing is this coming week the couple gets here... My 'trainees' in the office. The challenge is now forcing all the information to them as fast as possible, wish me luck!

Até já!

Elder Howell

P.S.: My Google Drive has lots of photos and videos this week!

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